Social Media Tips for Nonprofit Organizations

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Social media is an excellent free or low-cost way to increase brand awareness and connect with donors and the people you serve. Your social media presence is worth investing time in, but there are ways to save time and increase the power of your posts. These tips will help whether your nonprofit organization is just beginning on social media or grappling with how to engage and reach more.

  1. Every time you share a graphic post, be sure to brand it by including your logo on it.
  2. Check your social media insights to see when your target audience is engaging with your posts and try to post then (or schedule ahead).
  3. Create a social media content calendar with various types of posts that convey all the aspects of your brand.
  4. Post consistently!
  5. Look at your social media analytics to see what posts are getting a lot of engagement. Learn what your target audience wants to hear from you and plan your content accordingly.
  6. Choose your social channels according to your goals and the demographic of your target audience.
  7. Use your nonprofit team to support your social media efforts. Ask them to “Like” share, comment, or retweet.
  8. Find a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule some posts in advance and to save time posting on multiple social media platforms. Facebook has its own free scheduling tool called “Publishing Tools”

By Soukup Strategic Solutions