Friends of the Everglades

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Friends of the Everglades (FOE) is dedicated to preserve, protect, and restore the only Everglades in the world. They were founded in 1969 by renowned journalist, author, and environmental activist Marjory Stoneman Douglas. FOE compels government agencies to comply with existing environmental laws and resist any efforts to weaken such laws. They encourage politicians to recognize the long consequences of their actions and spread awareness of the importance of the Everglades to the South Florida ecosystem.

One of FOE’s programs is Young Friends of the Everglades. The program has already taught over 100,000 children about the Everglades, igniting a passion for nature and conservation, and fostering a lifelong love for the environment. Marjory Stoneman Douglas truly believed that educating young people was critical to saving the Everglades. Educators can bring the Everglades to their classrooms with our new interactive Everglades Learning Exploration Kit.

The Everglades Learning Exploration Kits are full of unique lessons and curated resources that explore the contributions of their founder, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Everglades biodiversity, threatened and endangered species, and the history of water in the Greater Everglades System.

Soukup Strategic Solutions is honored to assist Friends of the Everglades in Strategic Planning, a Fundraising Assessment and developing their first Case Statement. We’re grateful to be partnering with an organization delivering such meaningful work!