How to Empower Nonprofit Board Members to Take Action

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Empowering Board members to engage actively in the organization’s mission is a key strategy for success. By fostering a sense of ownership and involvement among Board members, nonprofits can leverage their collective expertise and passion to drive positive changes. This article explores practical ways to empower nonprofit Board members to get actively involved in advancing the organization’s goals.

Roles and Expectations

To empower Board members, provide clarity regarding their roles and expectations. Clearly defined responsibilities help Board members understand how their skills and expertise align with the organization’s needs. This clarity sets the stage for meaningful and impactful contributions. 

Cultivate a Culture of Engagement

Creating a culture that values and encourages active participation is crucial. Nonprofits should have an environment where Board members feel comfortable sharing ideas, voicing concerns, and actively contributing to discussions. An engaged culture promotes a sense of belonging and investment in the organization’s success. 

Offer Training and Development Opportunities

Providing ongoing training and development opportunities is a great way to empower Board members. Workshops, seminars, and training sessions can enhance their understanding of the organization’s missions, the broader nonprofit landscape, and effective governance practices. Knowledgeable and informed Board members are better equipped to contribute. 

Connect Board Members with the Mission

To foster a deeper connection with the organization’s mission, nonprofits should facilitate opportunities for Board members to engage with the communities they serve. Site visits, volunteer opportunities, or direct interactions with beneficiaries can provide firsthand experiences, strengthening their commitment to the cause. 

Facilitate Open Communication 

Establishing open lines of communication is essential for empowerment. Regular Board meetings, feedback sessions, and communication platforms should be utilized to keep Board members informed, address concerns, and encourage collaborative decision-making. 

Recognize and Celebrate Contributions 

Acknowledging the efforts and accomplishments of Board members is a fundamental aspect of empowerment. Publicly recognizing their contributions, whether big or small, reinforces a sense of value and encourages continued engagement. Celebrating milestones reinforces a positive and collaborative atmosphere. 

Leverage Individual Expertise

Each Board member brings unique skills and experiences to the table. Nonprofits should actively seek to leverage this diversity by aligning Board members with tasks that match their expertise. Recognizing and utilizing individual strengths enhances overall Board effectiveness. 

Evaluate and Adapt 

Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for Board member empowerment is crucial. Soliciting feedback, assessing engagement levels, and being open to adjustments ensure that the organization’s approach remains responsive to the evolving needs and dynamics of the Board. 

Empowering nonprofit Board members to participate actively in the organizations’ missions involves a multifaceted approach. By providing clarity, fostering engagement, offering development opportunities, and recognizing contributions, nonprofits can create a dynamic Board culture that drives positive change and propels the organization toward its goals. 


  • Debra Haley

    Debra Haley is a Senior Consultant for Soukup Strategic Solutions, coaching nonprofit clients in capacity building leadership, fundraising, nonprofit management and organizational assessment. She specializes in advising clients on Board governance, fundraising, donor management, volunteer management, communications, and corporate sponsorships.

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