Digital Fundraising: Can We Do That?

150 150 Soukup Strategic Solutions

What’s new in digital fundraising? Is there something we’re not doing at our fundraising events that we should be doing? Are there any low-maintenance digital fundraising ideas to make our events more successful? Our guest, Nidhi Doshi, is here to answer these questions and help us use digital fundraising to take our events to the next level.

In this episode you’ll discover:

How did the pandemic affect digital fundraising? 01:37

How do you expand your donor audience? 03:34

How do you analyze your own event from an unbiased perspective? 04:11

How do you get nonprofits to focus on the bigger fundraising picture? 05:45

What can a nonprofit do with their events to make their guests satisfied. 06:56

Why is it difficult to plan a nonprofit event that meets the audiences expectations? 08:38

How can you get your nonprofit Board members involved with fundraising? 10:38

What makes fundraising for nonprofits such a great career. 13:10

How you can capitalize on missed fundraising opportunities 14:07

What are common fundraising mistakes? 16:30

What is the single biggest development in digital fundraising? 17:30

How can you personalize online events? 19:20

Trends in the digital fundraising world for your nonprofit. 21:52

What digital fundraising ideas can you try with your next signature event that will make an impact! 22:52

Coaches Corner question: “What are the best ways to show appreciation to donors” 24:55

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This podcast comes to you from IMPACTability® powered by Soukup Strategic Solutions.

IMPACTability® is an online coaching program that helps nonprofit leaders maximize their impact. With Impact Coaches, nonprofit leaders can achieve career goals and have a greater impact on the world around them. Impact Coaches will help you address real-world challenges that you experience in your own nonprofit. By focusing on your strengths as a leader, Impact Coaches can help you apply your knowledge and skills to have a greater impact.

Nonprofit Coaching: (Learn more about IMPACTability® and how to work with a nonprofit coach).

Soukup Strategic Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2012 by the company’s president, Sheryl Soukup, to provide nonprofit organizations with expertise in fundraising and nonprofit management. The company offers consulting, coaching, and full-service grant writing, marketing, donor database management, strategic planning, and much more.

Nonprofit consulting and outsourcing solutions: (Learn more about the services offered by Soukup Strategic Solutions to nonprofit organizations.)

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