
Board Stewardship: Conversations to Light a Fire Within

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Some Board Members might be sitting back or even considering moving on. They may feel they haven’t done anything very worthwhile, but you can show them the work that they’re doing is impactful and valuable. I believe organizations must first strengthen Board stewardship before replacing Directors with new Directors. The Board reflection interviews are one example or process that can provide greater meaning for the Board of Directors. You are helping to engage Board leadership in the essential meaning for service and giving.

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Ways To Engage Your Board in Fundraising

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

A culture of enthusiasm for nonprofit Boards with regards to fundraising is important to provide the organization with the resources it needs to pursue its mission. In order to be as successful as possible, your Board should be helping with fundraising to promote your mission. Despite this, not all Board members are comfortable soliciting donations or fundraising in general. Luckily, anyone can be trained in the fundraising cycle. We’ll show you the dos and don’ts of fundraising and how to get started with strategies and policies that create effective Board members.

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the donor cultivation process

The 4 “R”s of Donor Cultivation

1024 576 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Donor cultivation is necessary for any nonprofit to maintain the relationships and generate the revenue necessary to sustain their mission. To be successful in your donor relationships, you must adhere to the 4 “R”s of donor cultivation which include Research, Romance, Request, and Recognition. In this resource, we dive into each of the cultivation phases and help you understand the fundraising process so your nonprofit can acquire and retain donors at a higher rate.

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Why It Matters: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is the leading topic among a vast majority of funders. The most recent U.S. census report shows nearly 40% of the population is composed of…

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Identify New Donors With Prospect Research

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Nonprofit organizations conduct prospect research to identify new donors or find hidden gems within their own database. While prospect research tools access and analyze large volumes of data to identify people who might be a good match for your organization, fundraisers must still employ a solid strategy to make the best use of this data. Read the article for strategies and best practices.

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What Your Nonprofit Can Do To Make A Stronger Impact In The Year Ahead

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Taking the time to get a substantial jump on the new year is a privilege all nonprofits can take advantage of! Not only does it position you for success going…

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Fundraising Tips

Wrap Up Your Fundraising Year With A Strong Finish

560 315 Soukup Strategic Solutions

We want to provide encouragement to nonprofits about their year-end fundraising. It’s not too late! We have put together some tips for last-minute year-end fundraising. Now go out there, make merry and fundraise!

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Is Your Year-End Appeal Ready?

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

The year is almost over! Do you have your year-end giving appeal strategy planned? Don’t panic, It’s not too late to get a jump on your holiday appeal. Here are seven steps that will lead you to a successful year-end campaign.

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Use Your Donor Management System to Take Fundraising to the Next Level

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

With a donor management system, the days of tracking gifts in multiple spreadsheets, writing letters one-by-one, and trying to recall your last conversation with a donor are over! Your nonprofit may have a donor management system, but are you taking advantage of all its features? Learn how to use it for fundraising, grants, and so much more.

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5 Tips to Diversify Your Donor Base

660 371 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Many nonprofits are missing out on the chance to attract more donors while simultaneously losing major gift opportunities. One way to avoid that is by casting a wider net. Its very important to diversify your donor base so you get as many people involved in your mission as possible. If your nonprofit is looking to expand the scope of its fundraising, these are some helpful steps you can take.

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