
Strategies for Editing Your Nonprofit Grant Applications

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Grant writing is as complex as it is important. A good application essentially covers every aspect of the nonprofit and represents their mission, so make sure your applications are as close to perfect as possible by submission time. The people who review them spend a lot of time and effort. In this article, we break down effective strategies to check and edit your applications so the person reading it will have no choice but to be impressed!

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What Your Nonprofit Can Do To Make A Stronger Impact In The Year Ahead

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Taking the time to get a substantial jump on the new year is a privilege all nonprofits can take advantage of! Not only does it position you for success going…

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How to Keep Newsletters From Ending Up in SPAM No Man’s Land

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Email newsletters are a low-cost tool for nonprofits to keep in contact with their constituents, share news, and seek donations. Despite their popularity, it is extremely common for a newsletter to end up in their recipients spam folder to be ignored and later deleted. Don’t let your hard work go to waste, learn how to protect your newsletters from being labeled as spam!

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Moving Up or Moving Out 

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

How do you know when it is the right time to move up or out in the nonprofit community? This is a fascinating question that everyone should give careful consideration.    How…

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How to Better Prioritize and Plan Your Nonprofits Marketing

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

The one thing in common at many nonprofits is that staffers wear lots of hats. One thing that seems to fall through the cracks is marketing. Maybe you don’t have…

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Is Your Year-End Appeal Ready?

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

The year is almost over! Do you have your year-end giving appeal strategy planned? Don’t panic, It’s not too late to get a jump on your holiday appeal. Here are seven steps that will lead you to a successful year-end campaign.

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Creating A Workforce Development Ladder At Your Nonprofit 

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

As your organization grows, positions will multiply. There are usually opportunities to help your employees and volunteers to develop new knowledge and skills that are needed to take on more…

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Visual Storytelling: A Powerful Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

In the past few years, the nonprofit world has embraced the potential of social media to garner more support and increase the visibility of an organization. Social media is an excellent marketing tool for nonprofits for a variety of reasons, but specifically, because it does not require multiple staff members to manage, a huge time commitment, or a lot of money. Learn how to take advantage of social medias free tools in order to push the needle.

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Use Your Donor Management System to Take Fundraising to the Next Level

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

With a donor management system, the days of tracking gifts in multiple spreadsheets, writing letters one-by-one, and trying to recall your last conversation with a donor are over! Your nonprofit may have a donor management system, but are you taking advantage of all its features? Learn how to use it for fundraising, grants, and so much more.

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7 Tips for Board Retreat Success

1024 576 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Don’t stress about your upcoming Board Retreat. These 7 tips will help you prepare and create an enjoyable and valuable retreat for everyone involved. Gather input before the retreat. You…

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