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Strategies for Editing Your Nonprofit Grant Applications

900 500 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Grant writing is as complex as it is important. A good application essentially covers every aspect of the nonprofit and represents their mission, so make sure your applications are as close to perfect as possible by submission time. The people who review them spend a lot of time and effort. In this article, we break down effective strategies to check and edit your applications so the person reading it will have no choice but to be impressed!

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7 Tips for Board Retreat Success

1024 576 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Don’t stress about your upcoming Board Retreat. These 7 tips will help you prepare and create an enjoyable and valuable retreat for everyone involved. Gather input before the retreat. You…

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Tips to Skyrocket Your Social Media: Hint: Your Staff is Your Secret Weapon

560 315 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Today, social media is a necessity for businesses of all kinds, including nonprofit organizations, but simply having a presence on a platform is not enough. The number of followers and…

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