Posts Tagged :

Nonprofit fundraising

Successful Fundraising Tactics to Boost Nonprofit Revenue

Successful Fundraising Strategies to Boost Nonprofit Revenue

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Fundraising is a loaded term. The average person who is unfamiliar with the nonprofit sector probably imagines a bake sale or maybe even someone going door-to-door asking strangers for money.…

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Uncovering Major Giving Potential within Your Donor Database

From Data to Dollars: Uncovering Major Giving Potential Within Your Donor Database

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Explore innovative strategies for leveraging data in nonprofit fundraising to propel your organization’s success. This insightful resource offers step-by-step techniques to identify, engage, and cultivate major gift prospects, empowering you to enhance fundraising impact and cultivate enduring donor connections.

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