Posts Tagged :

nonprofit guides

Defining Roles in Fundraising Guide

Defining Roles in Fundraising

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

This guide details the roles of your nonprofit fundraising team to foster a collaborative and efficient environment, offering insights to optimize fundraising efforts through clear role definitions. Download the Guide!

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AI Simplified: A Nonprofit Guide to Artificial Intelligence

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

This pivotal guidebook unlocks the potential of AI as a strategic tool, revolutionizing how nonprofits approach efficiency, decision-making, engagement, and fundraising. Download the Guide!

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Board Manual: Sample Table of Contents

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Learn the importance of a proper orientation for your Board and discover the best strategies on how to educate them through the use of a Board Manual! Download the Guide!

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8 Strategies to Increase Board Engagement

878 488 Soukup Strategic Solutions

As the driving force of any nonprofit, the Board of Directors are an essential component to the success of your mission. Learn how to engage your Board and put them in a mindset that cultivates growth with our strategies. Download the Guide!

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