Posts Tagged :

raising major gifts

5 Tips to Diversify Your Donor Base

660 371 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Many nonprofits are missing out on the chance to attract more donors while simultaneously losing major gift opportunities. One way to avoid that is by casting a wider net. Its very important to diversify your donor base so you get as many people involved in your mission as possible. If your nonprofit is looking to expand the scope of its fundraising, these are some helpful steps you can take.

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Break Through and Diversify Your Revenue Streams

1024 576 Soukup Strategic Solutions

Is your nonprofit stuck at the same level of income and can’t seem to break through? Have you asked yourself, “What can I do to raise more?” The main thing to consider when you are really in a revenue rut is: Diversify your revenue streams. In other words, raise money from a variety of different avenues.

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