Fundraising Tips

Wrap Up Your Fundraising Year With A Strong Finish

560 315 Soukup Strategic Solutions

First, I want to wish you and your family the happiest of holidays. May you have joy, love, and togetherness.

Second, I want to provide encouragement to nonprofits about their year-end fundraising. It’s not too late! According to a study by Network for Good, 12% of all giving occurs in the last three days of the year. Further, 31% of all donations are made to nonprofits in December. I have put together some tips for last-minute year-end fundraising. Now go out there and make merry—and fundraise!

5 Last-Minute Tips for Year-End Fundraising 

1. Reach out to your major gift donors with a personalized letter that recaps the special accomplishments you made this year, pointing out that their gifts of support made these accomplishments possible. If there was a special program or project they funded, provide specific information on the year-end results. Let them know what you’re looking forward to in the new year and how they can help.

2. So many nonprofits were affected by Hurricane Ian. Your physical plant may have suffered damage, perhaps an event you had scheduled was cancelled, your staff and volunteers may have been impacted, or the demand for your services was greatly increased due to the volume of need that the community experienced. Be up front with your donors and prospective donors on how your organization was affected, and how it has exacerbated the need in the community you serve. Show your donors how their gift could make a the difference in the lives of those who were affected by the storm.

3. Congress also increased the limit on deductions from 60% to 100% of adjusted gross income, but this increase is set to expire for donors who itemize. Do you have a CPA on your Board who could send out a friendly reminder about this opportunity and also share info about your nonprofit, perhaps as a community service spotlight?

4. Run a LYBNT report (donors who gave last year but not this year) and send a targeted message to these donors. If you have phone numbers, prepare a script to call and thank them for their past support, ask how your nonprofit can improve, and inquire about whether there was a specific reason why they didn’t give this year…some donors just forget. However, if there was a specific reason why, then you want to understand what turned them off, so you can explore ways to repair the relationship.

5. Reach out to your Board members – Consider engaging them in conversation about why they give. See the interview with Dr. Lou Traina for more ideas on how to conduct a reflection conversation with each of your Board members. What has made them most excited about serving on the Board this year? What are they looking forward to accomplishing in the year to come? Can any of your Board members make an extra gift at year-end to position you to achieve those goals?

Don’t have time to accomplish all of these? Pick just one. If you really don’t have time to do any of these, then add a note to your calendar to start your year-end fundraising planning in September 2023 and launch your year-end campaign earlier, so that you have time to put these tips and all of your own great ideas into action.

I hope one or more of these ideas will help you wrap up your fundraising year with a strong finish.


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  • Sheryl Soukup

    Sheryl Soukup is the President of Soukup Strategic Solutions, providing nonprofit organizations with expertise in the areas of fundraising and nonprofit management. Sheryl earned the designation CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive) and is a registered Fundraising Consultant with the State of Florida. Her work as a consultant is concentrated in strategic planning, fundraising, marketing and board development.

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