Building a Foundation: Strategies for Implementing a Recurring Giving Program

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What strategy do you use to maintain and build your recurring giving program? Are those elements key ingredients in your annual fund drive?  In a world where nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing pressing social issues, the need for sustainable funding has never been greater. Building a solid recurring giving program is a powerful solution that provides steady support for the mission and vision.    

By blending technology, social media, direct mail, leadership giving, and timeless fundraising methods, organizations can cultivate a robust fundraising initiative that fosters a sense of community and connection among donors. In this article, we will explore how to construct an effective recurring giving program, highlighting the importance of donor stewardship, tracking metrics, and sharing compelling stories and donor experiences.  

Embrace the Power of Technology 

Integrating technology into a recurring giving program allows nonprofits to reach a broader audience and streamline the donation process. Today there are countless useful applications and software platforms that can perform a myriad of tasks and impact sustainable advancement. Costs vary, but there are a fair number of very affordable applications for smaller budgets.  

  • User-Friendly Online Platforms: Invest in user-friendly and secure online donation platforms that offer effortless options for recurring contributions. Simplifying the donation process will encourage more donors to sign up for recurring giving.  
  • Artificial Intelligence: Use AI. Learn about it and use it to your advantage. Your fellow competing nonprofits will beat you in the fundraising game if you don’t jump in and use it. This technology is growing at light speed in advancement and improvement and can be of great assistance, particularly in small shops. More powerful than a Sith Wayfinder, one can learn to use it in less than 60 seconds, believe it or not. ChatGPT 4 can be used for many purposes at no cost, such as drafting appeals and thank you letters. 
  • Mobile Giving: Optimize the platform for mobile devices to cater to the increasing number of donors who prefer to give through their smartphones or tablets. Remember there are different text giving systems. Text-to-give allows gifts of $5 to $50 to a nonprofit and is billed to a cellphone carrier, but without donor information. Text-to-donate programs sends donors to an online registration and optional giving amounts with all donor contact information received by the sponsoring nonprofit. Read the article, Boost Your Nonprofit’s Donations with Text Message Fundraising, for more information on text giving.    
  • Door Stewardship: Building Relationships and Retaining Donors    
  • Donor Relationship Management Software: Implement a robust donor relationship management system to track donor interactions, preferences, and history of contributions. Personalized communication based on donor data strengthens the donor-nonprofit relationship.  
  •  Automated Communication: Use automated email and messaging systems to send timely updates and appreciative messages to recurring donors, keeping them engaged with the organization’s work.  

Leverage the Reach of Social Media 

Social media is an invaluable tool for reaching potential donors, sharing the nonprofit’s mission, and building a vibrant community.  

  • Engaging Content: Create a variety of types of compelling content, including videos, images, and stories, that highlight the impact of the nonprofit’s work. Share these across social media platforms to evoke emotions and inspire action. Telling stories about your donors, the people and the programs they impact never grows old.  
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Utilize social media to launch crowdfunding campaigns focused on recurring giving. Encourage donors to share the campaign, and why they contribute, with their networks to amplify its reach.
  • Live Events and Q&A Sessions: Host live events and Q&A sessions on social media platforms to interact directly with donors, answering their questions, and building a sense of transparency.  

Utilize Direct Mail for a Personal Touch 

Though digital communication is vital, direct mail provides a personal touch and reinforces the nonprofit’s commitment to donors.  

  • Personalized Appeals: Craft personalized direct mail appeals that express gratitude for donors’ past contributions and invite them to participate in the recurring giving program.  
  • Impactful Stories: Share success stories and updates about the nonprofit’s work through newsletters or impact reports sent via direct mail. These tangible materials create a sense of authenticity and connection. Those that make the best and most compelling case gain donor loyalty.  
  • Donation Reminders: Send friendly donation reminders through direct mail to encourage donors to continue their recurring contributions and celebrate the impact they’ve made so far.  

Emphasize Leadership Giving 

Leadership giving is a powerful way to engage donors who have the capacity to make significant contributions to the organization.  

  • Leadership Circles: Establish leadership giving circles or donor recognition levels to acknowledge and celebrate donors who give at higher amounts.  
  • Personalized Cultivation: Cultivate relationships with leadership donors through personalized communications, exclusive events, and recognition for their impact.  

Donor Stewardship: Nurturing Lasting Relationships 

Donor stewardship is the cornerstone of a successful recurring giving program, fostering trust and loyalty among supporters.  

  • Prompt Acknowledgment: Send immediate and heartfelt thank-you messages to acknowledge every donation received. Expressing gratitude reinforces donors’ importance to the organization. Twenty-four to 48 hours is the best practice for a thank you, preferably by US mail. Immediate telephone calls to leadership-level donors will pay huge dividends. Again, practice good, old-fashioned stewardship.  
  • Donor Recognition: Recognize and celebrate donors’ contributions in various ways, such as featuring their names on the nonprofit’s website or donor wall, or inviting them to special events and providing VIP passes, seating, and other special treatment.  Giving promotional items, when not expected, can also build loyalty.
  • Exclusive Updates: Provide recurring donors with exclusive updates on upcoming projects, milestones, and the organization’s strategic vision. Demonstrating the impact of their contributions strengthens their connection to the mission. Go to the article, Donor Stewardship: Building Relationships and Retaining Donors, for additional advice on stewardship.   

Track Metrics for Continuous Improvement 

Measuring the success of a recurring giving program is essential for refining strategies and enhancing donor engagement.  

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define KPIs such as donor retention rate, average donation amount, and the number of first-time recurring donors acquired through different channels. 
  • Impact Reporting: Regularly share impact reports with donors to demonstrate the collective difference their recurring contributions make. Please recognize this practice is a tenant of stewardship.
  • Donor Surveys: Conduct periodic donor surveys to gather feedback and understand donor motivations better; helping the organization make data-driven decisions.  

Building a recurring giving program requires a thoughtful blend of technology, social media, direct mail, leadership giving, and timeless fundraising methods. By emphasizing donor stewardship, tracking metrics, and sharing compelling stories and donor experiences, nonprofits can create meaningful and impactful relationships with their supporters. With a clear mission and vision, authentic storytelling, and personalized engagement, a recurring giving program becomes a vehicle for achieving long-term sustainability and driving meaningful change in the world.  


  • Stanton L. Cadow, CFRE

    Stanton Cadow is a consultant at Soukup Strategic Solutions, coaching nonprofit clients on topics such as major gifts cultivation, operations management, volunteer and board training, annual appeals, communications, grant writing, and stewardship. He specializes in conducting feasibility studies, major gift efforts, and capital campaigns.

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