Donor Retention: Ways To Thank Your Donors Year Round

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Fostering an environment of consistent donor appreciation requires a strategic and professional approach. 

A wise fundraiser once said, “the first step in getting the second gift is how much appreciation you show that person for their first gift.”  Expressing gratitude and maintaining a strong donor stewardship strategy is crucial for nonprofit organizations, not just at the end of the year, but throughout the entire year. Reiterating donor appreciation consistently over time serves as a vital factor in donor retention, due to its significant correlation with donor retention rates and the perceived value experienced by contributors. This practice is rooted in the understanding that continued expressions of gratitude foster a deeper connection between nonprofits and their supporters.  

By employing this strategy, organizations can bolster their donor relations and underscore the significance of each contribution. This, in turn, leads to heightened donor loyalty and a profound sense of being valued, which directly influences long-term engagement and sustained financial support.  

Part of stewardship, which is building the relationship after someone has given their first gift, is to continuously let them know the impact their gift is making, keeping in touch with them, and showing them appreciation. It’s easy to show appreciation while conveying how their donation is affecting people’s lives. I suggest that whatever type of appreciation program you’re implementing, always communicate your impact at the same time.  

Start with creating an appreciation plan. Decide what holidays and other times of the year that you might send your donors digital cards. Make it meaningful and impactful every single time you send any type of gratitude to a donor. You always want to thank a donor, no matter what size the donation is, with a thank you letter that includes your tax-exempt information so that they can deduct their gift if they choose to. Articulate personalized expressions of thanks in written letters and digital communications. Directly reference the distinct impact of the donor’s support, underscoring the organization’s deep appreciation. 

You can use your donor management system to make donor retention easier. This includes a few extra buttons to tap in the template where your thank you letters are sent to donors. While the end of the year is a good time to thank donors, thank them whenever you’re putting things out, like an impact report. Every chance you get, thank them. For instance, if you take somebody on a tour, have the constituents that you serve make a cute little thank you card. That’s what I did when I was a fundraiser for a charity for children. I’d have the child bring up the thank you card they made. When a donor gets a card like that from a four-year-old, it means everything. Take their picture with it and put it on social media. If you’re doing a gala, you might have some of your clients come and tell a story about the meaning of their gift in their life. 

The cornerstone of continuous donor appreciation hinges upon the sincere validation of their indispensable role in your organization’s narrative. By harmonizing these strategies, the cultivation of enduring relationships is fostered, effectively upholding the virtuous cycle of unwavering support. 


  • Sheryl Soukup

    Sheryl Soukup is the President of Soukup Strategic Solutions, providing nonprofit organizations with expertise in the areas of fundraising and nonprofit management. Sheryl earned the designation CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive) and is a registered Fundraising Consultant with the State of Florida. Her work as a consultant is concentrated in strategic planning, fundraising, marketing and board development.

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